Constipation Remedies

Unfortunately, constipation is a very frequent concern across all ages, and many medications can make it worse. Here are some ideas that offer safe and natural remedies for constipation. 

  1. Dietary changes including eating more fruits and vegetables can be very helpful. 
  2. Prunes are considered one of the best foods to eat to naturally treat constipation. They contain a type of sugar called sorbitol which acts as a laxative. Ideally eat 7 prunes, 2 times per day, for the best outcome. 
  3. Psyllium is a type of fiber that is soluble and nonfermentable— it is considered the best kind of fiber to help treat constipation and is very safe. It can be purchased over the counter and is available on Amazon
  4. Senna is an over the counter vegetable laxative that is safe and helps alleviate constipation. 
  5. Hydration: in many studies, the number one treatable cause of constipation is dehydration. Teens and adults should be drinking about 2 liters of water per day (eight 8oz glasses). 
  6. Coffee (with caffeine) stimulates the gastrocolic reflex 60% more than drinking water does. 
  7. Probiotics: especially those that include Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12 have been shown in research to help increase the number of bowel movements per week. Here is one such example but there are many out there:
  8. Foods that can act as a probiotic themselves include yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. 
  9. Avoiding dairy, which is often constipating, may be helpful in some cases.  

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Disclaimer: This guide is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice. Any treatment—whether a supplement, medication, procedure, injection, therapy, or device—carries potential risks, especially when used in excess or by individuals with certain medical conditions or genetic predispositions. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting any treatment.


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