Your medication should help bring balance to your life.
We believe that every aspect of your life should be considered when it comes to managing your prescriptions. By evaluating your therapy, diet, exercise, relationships, and personal goals, our psychiatrists and nurse practitioners can make sure that your medications and dosages are tailored to your needs.
Let’s find your balance.
Our entire medication management team has been trained by our lead psychiatrist: Dr. David Danish, MD.
Hi, I’m David Danish.
Over the years, I’ve formed strong professional bonds and friendships with my colleagues who now stand beside me here at Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry.
We share a commitment to high-quality care for each of our patients, and we work together to provide you the right diagnosis so you can avoid the frustration of treatments that don’t work.
Let’s find your balance.
Here is what we will discuss during your medication consultation:

Your well-being and lifestyle
Let’s discuss the activities and goals that bring you a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life. How do you feel like you are balancing work and time with yourself? What does self-care mean to you?
Why this matters to us: we want your medication to compliment your lifestyle.

Your relationships
How would you describe the quality of your relationships with family and friends?
Are there any relationships in your life that you find particularly challenging or rewarding?
Why this matters to us: we want to make sure that side effects of medications do not impact your relationships.

Your mental health history
Have you been diagnosed with any conditions in the past? What therapies, treatments, or medications have you tried?
Why this matters to us: we want to understand your history so we can help you define a healthy future.

Let’s talk about stress
What coping strategies do you use to manage stress? How do you respond to setbacks?
Why this matters to us: we believe that mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques can sometimes be as helpful as medication.

Your physical health
Let’s talk about how you nurture your body. How often do you exercise? What is your diet like? Do you usually sleep well and feel rested? How often do you drink, smoke, or use drugs?
Why this matters to us: we know that your physical health ties into your mental health. We are committed to treating you as a whole person.
Our patients say it best:
We are ready to support you
When you click the button below, you will be asked for your name, phone number, email address, and some clarifying questions. Then, our intake team will contact you to schedule your consultation with our prescription management team.
Our insights on prescriptions and medication management:
Get answers to the top questions from our clients, read case studies, and insights from our medication management team.