Embracing Recovery: A New Approach to Eating Disorder Treatment

At Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry, we understand the complexities of eating disorders and the courage it takes to seek help. That's why we're proud to launch our innovative new outpatient program, Integrative Healing. Designed to provide compassionate, holistic care, our model empowers individuals not just to recover, but to establish a vibrant, healthy relationship with food, body, and self.

Why Choose Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry?

  • Tailored Support: We recognize that every person’s journey with an eating disorder is unique. Your treatment plan is individualized based on your specific needs, with group participation as the foundation of your care.

  • A Focus on Community: Our supportive group sessions create a nurturing environment where you'll face challenges and celebrate successes alongside others who understand. We foster a sense of belonging and empowerment, where everyone feels seen and heard.

  • Seamless Care: Unlike traditional models, you can continue working with your established therapist, dietitcian, and medication provider as you progress, minimizing transitions and maximizing support.

  • The Holistic Edge: We go beyond traditional treatment, incorporating your religious, spiritual, or cultural background for truly whole-person care. Options like grocery store or clothing shopping assistance with our support staff or clinicians further enhance your real-world experience.

Our Unique Approach

Our tiered system ensures the right level of guidance and support:

  • Tier 1: Designed for those struggling with body image, self-esteem, or disordered eating patterns.

  • Tier 2: Offers more intensive support for those meeting full criteria for an eating disorder.

  • Tier 3: The most intensive level, with weekly therapy, dietitian appointments, and medication management.

Our Collaborative Team: Your Support System

The Integrative Healing program draws on the expertise of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to your well-being. This includes:

  • Therapists: Licensed therapists with specialized training in eating disorders provide individual therapy, facilitate group sessions, and offer support throughout your recovery process.

  • Dietitian: A registered dietitian specializing in eating disorders will collaborate with you to develop a personalized nutrition plan that promotes a healthy relationship with food.

  • Psychiatrist (if needed): In some cases, medication management may be a crucial part of your treatment plan. Our psychiatrists work closely with your therapist and dietitian to ensure a holistic approach.

  • Support Staff: Our support staff offer practical assistance such as grocery store trips, clothing shopping, and other resources to facilitate your real-world recovery journey.

The Power of Collaboration

Our team operates with open communication and a shared understanding of your goals. Regular treatment team meetings ensure:

  • Consistent Support: Your progress is consistently monitored, and your treatment plan is adjusted as needed.

  • Comprehensive Care: All aspects of your well-being – physical, emotional, and behavioral – are addressed in a coordinated fashion.

  • A Smooth Transition: As you progress through the program, stepping down through tiers is seamless, supported by consistent communication between providers.

We believe this collaborative approach creates a strong foundation for lasting recovery, giving you the comprehensive support you deserve.

The Path to Integrative Healing

Getting started is easy! Our intake process begins with an in-depth assessment and collaboration with our dedicated treatment team. We'll address any financial concerns to ensure you receive the care you need.

Our group curriculum emphasizes diverse approaches in a safe space, with sessions such as:

  • Body Image Exploration

  • Intuitive Eating

  • Mindfulness Techniques

  • ...and more!

  • A Brighter Future Starts Here

With Integrative Healing, we believe your journey can be one of rediscovery and empowerment. We provide the tools, the guidance, and the community to help you build a balanced and fulfilling life.

Call us today or learn more on our website. Let your healing begin.

A Note About Inclusivity

The Integrative Healing program welcomes individuals of all ages (14+), genders, and diagnoses related to eating disorders. We recognize that recovery is possible for everyone and we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment.

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Disclaimer: This guide is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice. Any treatment—whether a supplement, medication, procedure, injection, therapy, or device—carries potential risks, especially when used in excess or by individuals with certain medical conditions or genetic predispositions. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting any treatment.


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