What is PANS / PANDAS?

PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) are terms used to describe a subset of children and adolescents who experience sudden-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and/or tic disorders.

PANDAS specifically refers to cases where symptoms worsen following streptococcal infections, such as "Strep throat" or Scarlet Fever. On the other hand, PANS encompasses all cases of abrupt-onset OCD, not limited to streptococcal infections.

What does PANDAS look like?

PANDAS and PANS can manifest with various symptoms, including repetitive thoughts, obsessive fears, compulsive behaviors, and tics.

For a diagnosis of PANDAS, the following criteria should be met:

  • Presence of OCD symptoms, tics, or both.

  • A positive strep culture or a history of scarlet fever. If more than a week has passed since symptom onset, a blood test may be required.

  • A very abrupt onset or worsening of symptoms associated with the onset of strep infection.

Generally speaking…

How is PANDAS treated?

Treating PANDAS and PANS involves addressing the underlying strep infection. In many cases, a single course of antibiotics can effectively treat the infection. More severe cases may require a longer course of treatment or multiple rounds of antibiotics. It is important to note that PANDAS symptoms usually fade once the underlying infection is treated. However, progress may be gradual, and additional interventions can help manage symptoms in the interim.

At Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry

We treat PANDAS differently.

To support a child with PANDAS or PANS, short-term therapy can be beneficial while waiting for symptoms to subside. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) are two effective therapeutic approaches.

These therapies can help children gain control over obsessions, compulsions, and manage strong emotions. The goal is to equip them with coping skills and strategies to navigate their symptoms effectively.

Panda Disorder Treatment | PANDAS Illness Treatment | PANDAS Treatment | PANDAS Disease Treatment | PANDAS Disorder Treatment | PANS Treatment | PANS Disease Treatment | PANS Syndrome Treatment

At Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry, we specialize in providing exceptional care for PANS and PANDAS in Pennsylvania. Our tailored integrative and concierge services, along with virtual treatment options, ensure that your child receives personalized care comfortably from home. We offer expert solutions for all aspects of PANDAS and PANS treatment, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), to help manage symptoms and improve coping skills. Trust us to support your child with the comprehensive and expert care they deserve.

Our providers specialize in treating PANDAS

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