What is ADHD?

ADHD is a disorder of nervous system arousal that can affect many areas beyond attention including impulse control, emotional regulation, judgment, sleep, and memory.

What does ADHD feel like?

ADHD can feel like the inability to adjust your body and brain to the environment. This could mean, calming your brain and body down to engage in a low stimulation environment or engage in something that may require more focus or cognitive intensity. This can also look like an inability to make positive choices in the moment, control emotions, and remember important tasks. Most people with ADHD feel a sense of shame in feeling they should be able to do better, but they just can't.

Generally speaking…

How is ADHD treated?

We offer a wide range of medication and non-medication treatments for ADHD. If medications are chosen, we will typically recommend therapeutic support to work on optimizing the effects of those medication by learning executive functioning skills to help manage ADHD symptoms.

At Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry

We treat ADHD differently.

We offer a wide range of medication and non-medication treatments for ADHD. If medications are chosen, we will typically recommend therapeutic support to work on optimizing the effects of those medication by learning executive functioning skills to help manage ADHD symptoms.

Our providers specialize in treating ADHD

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