Dominic D'Angelo, MA, LPC
He / Him
Outpatient Therapist
Dominic D'Angelo specializes in:
Working with these ages:
Treating these conditions:
Providing these services:
I enjoy working at Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry because of my great team of coworkers and our ability to offer a range of services to meet the needs of our clients. I also get a lot of satisfaction connecting and working with my clients on a weekly basis.
Dominic is a professional counselor with extensive experience in both outpatient and school-based mental health settings. He has worked with clients from adolescence through adulthood, managing a range of symptoms related to anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism.
Dominic is trained in administering the ADOS to assess for Autism Spectrum Disorder and has significant experience treating individuals on the autism spectrum in his role as an outpatient therapist. He utilizes techniques such as identifying strategies to cope with moment-to-moment stress, examining the impact of thoughts and beliefs on actions and relationships, as well as helping to build daily routines which include activities that bring meaning, purpose, and fulfillment to our lives. Dominic is experienced in individual, family, and group therapy.
Widener University BA Psychology
La Salle University MA Professional Clinical Counseling
Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Counselor
ADOS to assess for Autism Spectrum Disorder