Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a discipline rooted in systems biology, with a primary focus on discovering and tackling the fundamental causes of illness. It understands that an individual's disease or symptoms could stem from multiple contributing factors, making it an ideal approach for those seeking a holistic understanding of their health.

What does Functional Medicine look like?

Contrasting conventional medicine, which frequently centers on symptom management, functional medicine pursues the elimination of disease and dysfunction by addressing their root causes. This practice prioritizes the patient and customizes the approach, advocating for a definition of health that embodies positive vitality rather than merely the absence of disease.

Practitioners of functional medicine invest time to engage with their patients, taking into account their histories and assessing the interplay of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle influences that could affect their long-term health and susceptibility to complex, chronic disease.

Rather than focusing on individual diseases, functional medicine considers the body in its entirety, emphasizing the interconnections among the body's systems. This comprehensive approach commonly incorporates modifications in diet and lifestyle, techniques for stress management, detoxification procedures, the use of nutritional supplements, and occasionally, prescription drugs. At Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry, we employ components of functional medicine that are supported by scientific evidence, delivered by experienced professionals specializing in functional medicine in Pennsylvania.

Who can benefit from Functional Medicine?

Patients that are interested in pursuing the why behind symptoms with personalized guidance to improve quality of life and map out a personalized approach toward optimal health. Our team, led by a certified functional medicine practitioner, ensures a patient-centric experience, making us a reliable choice for those seeking the expertise of a trusted functional medicine doctor or an integrative medicine doctor. Opt for a healthcare approach that transcends traditional boundaries at Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry.

Conditions that benefit from Functional Medicine

Providers who specialize in Functional Medicine

Read the latest from our Functional Medicine team:


Medication Management

