Supportive Parent-Coaching for Families with Anxious Teens
Navigating the challenges of raising an anxious teen can be a daunting experience for parents. However, parent coaching offers a guiding light, bridging the gap between the individual support provided to the teen and the essential support parents need.
Manage Trauma and Mental Health through Nervous System Regulation
“There are many different evidence-based therapeutic modalities that I have used as an Individual, Couples, and Families Therapist. Over time I have found the key to sustaining progress in therapy is helping the individual(s) calm their nervous system. Anything “said” or “done” in traiditional talk therapy cannot be retained unless a person is in a relaxed, regulated, safe space. I find profound change occurs for individuals, couples, and families using the mind-body-soul approach.” - Kristen Ott, MA, LMFT
Unveiling the World of Gaming Disorders: Prevalence and Therapeutic Interventions
Unveiling the World of Gaming Disorders: Prevalence and Therapeutic Interventions with Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry
Understanding PANDAS, PANS, and POTS: A Guide for Concerned Parents
As a parent, it is natural to be concerned about your child's health, especially when it comes to their mental well-being. If you have heard of terms like PANDAS, PANS, or POTS and are worried that your child may be affected, this blog post aims to provide you with essential information and guidance. While these conditions can be complex and sometimes controversial, it is crucial to be informed and proactive in seeking appropriate care for your child.
Choosing A Therapist
Choosing a therapist who is compatible with your needs and personality can be a difficult yet rewarding endeavor.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is taking place Monday February 27th through Sunday March 5th, and brings insight into the complexity and commonality of eating disorders today.