Innovative Non-Pharmacological Approaches for Pediatric Migraine Management
Managing migraines in children and adolescents can be a complex and frustrating journey for both patients and their families. While we at Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry are not neurologists and do not act as primary treaters of migraines, we work with many patients of all ages who suffer from this debilitating condition.
Curcumin vs Omeprazole: Exploring Their Role in Treating Functional Dyspepsia
Many of our patients benefit from the use of supplements like turmeric, which is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. While our primary focus is on mental health, we recognize the potential benefits of turmeric for other conditions, including dyspepsia.
Understanding the Health at Every Size (HAES) Movement: Beyond the Buzz , what it is and what it isn’t.
The Health at Every Size (HAES) movement has been gaining traction in recent years, challenging traditional weight-centric approaches to health. Let's dive deeper into its core principles and some important considerations.
Beyond Diets: A Dietitian's Perspective on Navigating Nutrition and Well-being
Our team at Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry includes experienced dietitians who understand how confusing this shifting landscape can be. We believe in a nuanced approach, one that moves beyond labels and empowers individuals to find what truly supports their health and well-being.
Exploring the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
The essence of the Mediterranean Diet lies in its variety and balance.
Navigating Kratom Use: A Philadelphia Integrative Psychiatry Perspective
This article provides a thorough understanding of the complexities surrounding Kratom use, which is increasingly prevalent in the United States.
Exploring the Link Between Proton Pump Inhibitors and Dementia Risk
Our expertise extends to understanding the complex relationships between various medications and cognitive health. While we don't typically initiate proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatments.
PANS & PANDAS: Do symptoms always come on abruptly?
Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) is a clinical diagnosis given to children who have a dramatic - sometimes overnight - onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Is PANS life-threatening?
PANS (including PANDAS) is not in and of itself, life-threatening. But some of its comorbidities can cause significant morbidity if not managed.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is taking place Monday February 27th through Sunday March 5th, and brings insight into the complexity and commonality of eating disorders today.
Assessing for Inflammation in Depression
Inflammation can sometimes worsen or even cause depression. An elevated hs-CRP gives us hints about which medications and/or supplements may be helpful in treating depression.
L-Methylfolate Supplementation
In some patients with underactive MTHFR enzymes, L-Methylfolate can help treat depression.
Simplifying the Few Foods Diet for ADHD Management
Welcome to our latest blog post where we delve into the potential benefits of the Few Foods Diet for children with ADHD. This diet, which is also known as the elimination or Oligoantigenic Diet, has shown promising results in recent studies by reducing ADHD symptoms significantly in some children.