
Manage Trauma and Mental Health through Nervous System Regulation

“There are many different evidence-based therapeutic modalities that I have used as an Individual, Couples, and Families Therapist. Over time I have found the key to sustaining progress in therapy is helping the individual(s) calm their nervous system. Anything “said” or “done” in traiditional talk therapy cannot be retained unless a person is in a relaxed, regulated, safe space. I find profound change occurs for individuals, couples, and families using the mind-body-soul approach.” - Kristen Ott, MA, LMFT

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PANS vs PANDAS: What's the difference?

PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) are two conditions that involve the sudden onset of certain behavioral and motor abnormalities in children, often following an infection. Here's how they differ:

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Integrative Yoga for Self-Esteem and Body Image

“Yoga helps to build self-awareness and improve our coping strategies to work through the stress we experience when coping with negative thoughts about ourselves. I love seeing the transformative impact that yoga has on my patients.” - Tracy Sciulli, MS, Doctoral Candidate,LPC, RYT-200

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Managing Morning Impulsivity and Oppositionality in Children with ADHD

In addition to medication strategies, behavioral approaches and positive reinforcement play a crucial role. Establishing a consistent morning routine, breaking tasks into manageable steps

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